Title: LOO in Concert
Location: Pierre Aboukhater Theater - USJ
Event: Miscellaneous Pieces
Date: 2020-02-12
For more details click the image to the left.
Title: LOO in Concert
Location: Pierre Aboukhater Theater - USJ
Event: Miscellaneous Arabic Pieces
Date: 2020-01-23
For more details click the image to the left.
Title: LOO Concert CANCELLED
Location: Pierre Aboukhater Theater - USJ
Event: Miscellaneous Oriental Songs
Date: 2019-11-20
For more details click the image to the left.
Title: LOO in concert
Location: Pierre Aboukhater Theater - USJ
Event: Miscellaneous Oriental Pieces
Date: 2019-10-31
For more details click the image to the left.